Strength testing

Variogate is comprehensively strength tested using advanced software

Many Variogates undergo thorough strength testing with advanced software designed for structural analysis. This cutting-edge tool automatically identifies critical components like connections, beams, plates, and welds, allowing for an in-depth evaluation. It is equipped with an extensive library of engineering standards for structural verification, covering various industries and offering a full range of safety codes, regulations, and rules to assess the integrity of the structure.

These automated strength calculations serve as a preliminary assessment before the extensive TÜV tests and already provide valuable insights into the structural strengths of the Variogates. The calculations are based on internationally recognized engineering standards, including API RP 2A, ISO 19902, Norsok N004, DIN 15018, FEM 1.001, and Eurocode 3.

The strength testing procedure evaluates Variogate's structure resilience

The testing process evaluates the structure’s resilience under various forces and conditions. It includes checks for gravity and static stress, contact stress at vital connection points, and bending stress at key joints.

By simulating real-life scenarios, the software applies multiple types of loads, such as vertical and side point loads, along with compensation loads to ensure stability and prevent unwanted movement.

Additionally, bolted connections are carefully inspected to ensure they can withstand stress without failure. This rigorous testing process guarantees that the structure remains reliable and durable in everyday use.

Static stress test Variogate SDC verified

The strength testing methods used

The strength testing involves a series of assessments to evaluate the structure’s performance under various conditions. These include:

  • Gravity stress test
  • Static stress check
  • Contact stress at the connection points of long tubes and arms
  • Bending stress at connections
  • Anchor bolts check

The software incorporates a library of engineering standards, safety codes, and regulations for structural verification across industries, making it easier to assess the structure’s integrity.

The testing simulates real-life conditions by applying various loads. The top and lower rails are subjected to vertical distributed and point loads. The middle arm and supports are tested with side point loads for stability. Compensation loads are also applied to prevent movement and ensure realistic behavior, such as avoiding bending at the lower arm collar support. Both the upper and lower vertical supports are fixed at the bottom to simulate actual conditions. Gravity is factored into each load set to reflect normal usage.

All bolted connections are checked for contact stress, equivalent bending stress, and tensile force in the anchor bolts. The equivalent bending stress is also analyzed for spindles (connections between the upper supports and arms) and M10 or M16 bolts (connections between arms and brackets). This comprehensive testing ensures the structure’s reliability under different forces and conditions, in line with the Netherlands National Annex to Eurocode (NEN-EN-1990-1-1).


In conclusion, Variogate undergoes a thorough and comprehensive strength testing process that utilizes advanced software for detailed structural analysis. This process ensures that the structure’s resilience, integrity, and performance under various conditions are carefully evaluated. By applying a range of tests, including assessments for gravity stress, static stress, and bending at key connection points, we guarantee the reliability and durability of Variogate. This rigorous testing not only complies with industry standards but also demonstrates our commitment to delivering a high-quality, safe, and reliable product.